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My husband got another woman pregnant

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1My husband got another woman pregnant Empty My husband got another woman pregnant Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:21 pm


Arresto Menor

I just found out yesterday that my husband got an old girlfriend pregnant. She is due this October. We are very much married and are not separated at all. I haven't actually decided what to do about the situation as i haven't gone past the shocked stage yet but I want to know what my legal options are. The woman is a government employee and she knows full well that my husband is a married man. She is separated as far as I know but I'm not sure if she is annulled. What legal actions can I file against both of them? I've read about RA 9262? and I think I can file that against my husband but I want to know what charges I can file if any against the woman. Thanks a lot!!!



in ra 9262, the infidelity has to be repetitive. for now, i recommend you gather your evidence first. the best will be the birth certificate if your husband acknowledges the child (but you may not want that).

against the woman alone, you can file a case of monetary damages if you can prove your allegations.


Arresto Menor

according to my husband it happened just once but then again i can't prove it otherwise. if she does not use my husband's name on the child's birth certificate, how can i demand paternity testing? and is that all i can file her with? i'm really not interested in monetary damages.

also, the tension between my husband and myself has been escalating because of this and he became very violent with me. he even threatened to kill me. i don't really know what to do. i don't want my family or my friends to know what's happening between us as it will make things even worse with my husband. i want to report the incident pero nakakahiya and i don't really know what the procedure is. Could you please give me advise on that. Thanks



i can only outline some legal options. if you believe you are in danger, you can request the court or the bgy to issue a protection order.

unfortunately, the mere sex or even having a baby with a married man is not a crime. (unlike when a married woman does it).

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