My father died last year and few months after his death i received a letter from a rural bank stating that our house was nasanla to them by my father and my he needs to pay them immediately including the interest so that our house will not be foreclosed. i was shocked because he never told me and my brother anything about it. my mother's already dead 10 years ago, and our house is a conjugal property still the title is my father and mother's name. so pano nya masasanla our house without the signature of my mother? then i went to that bank and found out that someone forged my dead mother's signature. its my father's present girlfriend. i asked the bank if the girl presented any identification? they showed me the papers and the girl only presented a 2x2 id picture and a cedula. i want to file a case but im not sure what to file and to whom. i want to get our house back and i want my father's girlfriend to be imprisoned. please help me i badly need your help..