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Special Powers of Attorney

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1Special Powers of Attorney Empty Special Powers of Attorney Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:04 pm


Prision Mayor

Special Powers of Attorney
1. To make such payments as are not usually considered as acts of administration
2. To effect novations which put an end to obligations already in existence at the time the agency was constituted
3. To compromise, to submit questions to arbitration, to renounce the right to appeal from a judgment, to waive objections to the venue of an action or to abandon a prescription already acquired
4. To waive any obligation gratuitously
5. To enter into any contract by which the ownership of an immovable is transmitted or acquired either gratuitously or for a valuable consideration
6. To make gifts, except customary ones for charity or those made to employees in the business managed by the agent
7. To loan or borrow money, unless the latter act be urgent and indispensable for the preservation of the things which are under administration
8. To lease any real property to another person for more than one year
9. To bind the principal to render some service without compensation
10. To bind the principal in a contract of partnership
11. To obligate the principal as a guarantor or surety
12. To create or convey real rights over immovable property
13. To accept or repudiate an inheritance
14. To ratify or recognize obligations contracted before the agency
15. Any other act of strict dominion

2Special Powers of Attorney Empty Re: Special Powers of Attorney Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:04 pm


Prision Mayor

Not Included in the Power to Mortgage:
1. to sell
2. to execute a second mortgage
3. to mortgage for the agent’s or any 3rd persons’ benefit, UNLESS clearly indicated

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