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My brother is seeking for support from wife overseas

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Liza Lou

Arresto Menor


I just want to know what is my brother's right.
Last June 2010 when his wife went to Saudi with my expence. I'm the one who support her financially from passport, medical, even travelling items etc. I helped her because my brother got really sick (Diabetic) so I told her I will help her since that my bro can't work anymore because of his illness.
But anyway, first couple months she missed the support or padala. And then I texting her that she have to help my bro. And she did after a few months. And lately she start to missed again, and again. So my bro gone mad and say "it's over!" and she message me in Facebook and told me about it... and it's get ugly. Because I know what she been doin, she talking to all these guys and showing picture like she's ready for a new man.
So just wondering if I go back home (Currently in US) I want to do something about this matter. Since that I'm the one to make it happen that's why she's in abroad... I wonder if I go to her agency office and ask them if they can cut her salary in a half and give the other half to my brother? I know that we can send a demand letter but I know that she can just ignore it. Specially now that she converted to be an islam. Can we still file for economic abuse? I mean they have an adopted child and my bro is very sick. I don't know what's the best way to handle this matter. BUt I definitely dont want her to just get away with this. Please let me know what I supposed to do to help my brother. THanks a lot!

Liza Lou

Arresto Menor

She even posted on her FB that she hated my family (like I said, it's get ugly!) and even said the harsh words like "I wish you die soon, die now!" And she even mentioned the guys name and said "I will accept your proposal, Yes I will marry you!" So, do we have a case? My brother start to get very very ill, I think liver its starting to get blurry.So I tried to do everything to help him in any way. Is the FB posted message can use against her too? Can we really file the economic case? Because she still in Saudi and I don't know how it's goin to work.I helping my brother and supporting him for all he need. His medication cost me 5K a month not including other like insulin. That's why I need her to help my bro even just for medicine. She said that she's making only 7K a month, but she have all this smart phone, laptop and nice clothing. I think my bro deserve a lil bit of her money since they are married for almost 7-9 yrs I believed. And I'm providing everything, I mean EVERYTHING even the money she spend to go to the salon. I hope can understand what I'm trying to say and my feelings too! I just want to give her what she deserve. Thanks again



your husband cannot claim he is a victim of economic abuse as defined under ra 9262, but who is this child? is he legally adopted?

Liza Lou

Arresto Menor

My brother and her adopt my brother's son. So it's actually his nephew but they got the child since he is only a 3 months old. And they get a new birth certificate and they put their names as a parent. But what should we do if we can file that case? I mean, all the expences and as legally married I think he have a right to claim of what she have right? What she earn is his too right? And how can I force her to pay me back? If there's any way that the agency can do for me to cut her salary and give to me what is mine? I mean, this is all about pride. I don't care about money, but I don't want her to treat my bro like crap and I just want to give her a lesson to learn. If I can get the money she owe me, I will just give it to my bro. So he can start over again. Thanks a lot.



i think the best case you can file is for economic abuse for non-support of the child. the birth certificate states that she is the mother, thus she is required to provide support.

Liza Lou

Arresto Menor

Ok, that's all I need to know. All I wanted is to take something from her, it will be better if they will send her back home. But I don't think it will be good for my bro because I know that he still love her. SO anyway, Thanks a lot for all answered question.

I appreciate it a lot!

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