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my friend's son

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1my friend's son Empty my friend's son Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:59 am


Arresto Menor

question c/o my friend. She wants to use her surname instead of the father's. When she gave birth her ex indicated in the birth cert that they are married pero hindi sila talaga kasal. Is it possible na the child can still use my friend's surname?the father didn't sign at the back for paternity acknowledgement. I'm just wondering as well bakit hindi sila hiningan ng hospital ng marriage certificate

2my friend's son Empty Re: my friend's son Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:48 pm


Prision Correccional

sa Birth Certificate Surname nang Tatay nang bata ang nakalagay? medyo long shot yan, pero feasible, try to personally contact a lawyer para makatulong sa pagfile niyo nang correction of entry at nang change of surname.

3my friend's son Empty Re: my friend's son Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:51 am


Arresto Menor

thank you so much po..=) will do that po

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