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sufficient child support and limitations of visitation rights

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Arresto Menor

Good Morning, i would like to ask how can i determine if the support that the father is giving is sufficient. I have 2 kids,different father. The father of my eldest sends 3thou/month for our son's tuition fee,he works in singapore and is doing very well. When he sends support it has to go thru his mom. The dad of my second child sends 4thou/month and the aunts demand that i let my son spend days with them "nagbibigay naman daw sila!"..i told them they can visit but not take the child and spend the night with them (sleep over), when i refuse na ilabas nila bata minsan nagagalit ang mga tita,masama daw ugali ko po...what are the limitations when it comes to visitation rights...and they are using the support that they give as a pass para mailabas at dalhin ang son ko with them



you have to make an honest computation of their monthly and annual needs.

if they are giving support, it will be difficult to file a case of economic abuse under ra 9262. your remedy would be to file a petition for increase of support at the family court.


Arresto Menor

thank you what about the visitation, i am not married to the father do i have the right to refuse not to let my chldren sleepover their aunt's house


Arresto Menor

p.s can you give me the initial step in filing for increase of support at the family court?



yes you can refuse, but it may be good strategy to be a little lenient if you're asking them for increase for support.

negotiate with them, then demand letter.

6sufficient child support and limitations of visitation rights Empty visitation Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:26 am


Arresto Menor

i let them visit naman po,i just don't like for them to take my son out and sleep over with them,this is the case for my youngest..yung eldest ko po (iba po father)if i demand a higher support what costs are included, when i negotiated before with them thru the mother, i told them i'll pay some of my son's expenses sa school like the baon and the service,i told them they've to pay for the tutor and the monthly tuition,nagalit ang mom niya (the mom always make the decision for my ex husband) kaya now they pay for the tuition na lang which is 3thou per month. I work po pero of course i have to take care of the bills sa house and all, they make it appear na may work naman daw ako why should i demand for more?



if they refuse, your remedy is to file a petition in court for increase of support.

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