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oral defamation

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1oral defamation Empty oral defamation Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:04 pm

inaki hofilena

Arresto Menor

i'm so glad i found this website.i want to file an oral defamation case for my officemates but i don;t know how to start. here's the story: on may 28, 2011 our account (i work in a callcenter based in makati)had an outing in pansol laguna. an incident happened. my batch mate who happens to be my room mate in the said resort lost his wallet. the next week, my other batchmates started to spread the rumor that i was the one who stole the wallet. one of my friends confronted them since they dont have any evidence at all. now, they are even bugging me through facebook. help pls! i need to file the case asap. thank you

2oral defamation Empty Re: oral defamation Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:47 pm



is everyone involved working in the call center? why not try to file an internal complaint first.

3oral defamation Empty Re: oral defamation Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:10 pm

inaki hofilena

Arresto Menor

yes everyone involved is in the same company...looks like thats the best thing i should do...thanks for the advice

4oral defamation Empty Re: oral defamation Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:55 pm

inaki hofilena

Arresto Menor

by the way, if i file a complaint through our company's hr, do i need to bring anything (like a written narrative or whatsoever) ?

5oral defamation Empty Re: oral defamation Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:42 pm



that would be better

6oral defamation Empty Re: oral defamation Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:05 pm

kerwin king

Arresto Menor

Good day. Have a friend who was publicly shamed by a man when he accused her of being a whore, causing her emotional distress. What case can we file? Thanks

7oral defamation Empty Re: oral defamation Thu Jun 23, 2011 5:30 pm



oral defamation if spoken, libel if written

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