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Help Required for Justice

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1Help Required for Justice Empty Help Required for Justice Sat May 28, 2011 7:00 am


Arresto Menor

i had an affair with an expat from london and got pregnant with his child .he promised to marry me but he is not ready to accept the child and now says he does not want to maary me because i want to keep the child. i filed for a case against him but he is no longer in phillipines. what should i do now? Can i sue him.what steps should i take to cover the rights of the child.

2Help Required for Justice Empty Help Sat May 28, 2011 7:01 pm


Arresto Menor

please reply i am sa ilalim ng pulutong ng stress. Anumang uri ng tulong ay gawin

3Help Required for Justice Empty Re: Help Required for Justice Sat May 28, 2011 7:16 pm


Arresto Menor

If you said expat that means he goes home for vacation, every now and then. Try to know where he stays here? for sure he still has close relatives here where he stays all the time for vacation. After that get the services of a lawyer, he will know what to do.

4Help Required for Justice Empty Help Required for Justice Sun May 29, 2011 1:45 am


Arresto Menor

Thanks sa reply. i ay gawin na. Din kung maaari mong sabihin kung saan maaari ako makakuha ng libreng legal na tulong dahil sa ngayon i am hindi gumagana at hindi kayang isang abugado.

5Help Required for Justice Empty Re: Help Required for Justice Sun May 29, 2011 2:33 am


Arresto Menor

as per advice din sa aken try mo sa IBP legal aid, mga law schools, or PAO if you will pass in their criteria. good luck.

6Help Required for Justice Empty Re: Help Required for Justice Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:17 pm


Arresto Menor

if he didn't want to marry you because you wanted to keep the child, did that mean he was asking you to abort the pregnancy? That and his conduct can be considered psychological violence under RA 9262.

If he is an expat, then perhaps he works in a company which still has presence here. Most multinational companies will discipline or terminate their employees for immorality. You can prepare a formal complaint addressed to the company and attach your evidence and the copy of the case you filed.

If you are able to get a warrant of arrest, maybe you can inquire at the NBI how to get him reported to INTERPOL as an international sex offender, and they can monitor his whereabouts so he can be arrested and extradited here and be imprisoned.

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