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CALL CENTER - project base

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1CALL CENTER - project base Empty CALL CENTER - project base Thu May 12, 2011 6:43 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi everyone,

I would like to ask your opinion because i dont have knowledge about this.

I work in a call center for a month now however I signed a 3-month-project-base contract. However, the client failed to pay the company (which is my employer). It is because I am a project base employee, they informed me today not to work tomorrow anymore (verbally) because this client failed to pay anymore, they need to close the account or campaign.

pls enlighten me, for what I know (I am subjected to my own opinion) I am a direct hired employee of this call center company NOT our clients account or campaign.

I need to know if it's necessary for me to take further actions.

My understanding, if a person works in a call center I am bound in a company itself NOT in a client's account.

2CALL CENTER - project base Empty Re: CALL CENTER - project base Thu May 12, 2011 7:17 pm



look at your employment contract again. if you are a project based employee and the project is terminated, you are terminated with it.

3CALL CENTER - project base Empty Re: CALL CENTER - project base Fri May 13, 2011 11:55 am


Arresto Menor

My contract is 3 months for this australia booking account. Immediately the company who hired me terminated the contract verbally without prior notice kahit hindi pa tapos ang 3-months.

Hindi po ba, e save kami ng HR kasi sila nag-hire sa akin hindi direct ng Aus-booking? Kahit man lang transfer sa ibang account.

Rather than terminating me because their client failed to pay them. Parang unfair po ang labor practice na yan.

4CALL CENTER - project base Empty Re: CALL CENTER - project base Sat May 14, 2011 10:36 am



i have not encountered a case decided by the supreme court where an employee is both a period and project employee. if i were arguing for you, i would say that you had security of tenure for the whole 3 months regardless of the loss of the project. but there's no guarantee that this will be upheld.

if you feel strongly enough, you can file an illegal termination case but you should also consider just moving on.

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