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Credit Card Bills Abroad

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1Credit Card Bills Abroad Empty Credit Card Bills Abroad Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:13 am


Arresto Menor

Are there any law firms/attorneys (as claimed) that scams people in our country?
Said to be Pizarro law firm has been harassing my family for an incident that happened in another country. They said to be a legal representative of a bank abroad however since Aug 3 after sending a messenger to check if i still live in the same address, the harassment began until today thru phone calls (1 month now)(of 2 different attorneys) and the messenger has been sent 3 times just to ask of my whereabouts (not currently in ph). THe said two attorneys were very rude on phone and used threats such as being listed to NBI and immigration within 2 days if nobody gives what they want, my mother has been 2x threaten to be brought to barangay for questioning and that our house would be taken soon…blah blah!! (i have no house in my name), None of this has happen so far. THe lady that spoke to my mother thru phone did not even introduce herself. No proper ID’s or business cards has given and most of all, no documents or any summon papers that has been presented or proof that they indeed represent a bank or the one who has file a complaint against me. I have asked my brother to deal with them having knowledge with legal matters and after one call on the phone, the lady said they refuse to talk to him anymore because he speaks english and added that he is gay.. What kind of law firm are this then? (can’t even deal with english speaking? how much more with the legal documents that are written in english?)

By the way, on the 2nd visit of the messenger, no one was home so he talked to our neighbor and even have the nerve to tell them that i have a debt and they are handling it… wow! ..That neighbor thinks they are scammers. The first call that happened with the male atty was irked when my sister asked their law firm address, he immediately retorted that “why, does she doubt their law firm?”. My sister has the right to ask their business address to be able to make business transaction with them, right?

I would have dealt with them by now but the way they treat and process the “said” case brought suspicion from the beginning. They are so unprofessional from which is very odd for a law firm or atty coz i have always respected and believed that a qualified atty and/or law firm knows how to implement the due process.

Please help me analyze this…. i’d like to think they are scammers yet i want to be really sure. Maybe they are just a low-kind of law firm (which makes me wonder why they even graduated in the first place with this kind of behaviour)

your thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thank you

Pls pardon my long note.
Thank you so much for the replies. I have better understanding now of whats going on esp from u “spotter”. I think u are right… someone has listed me on the collection agencies. What is disgusting is the way they are dealing with it and/or my family.It does not encourage amicable settlement nor even entices people like me to talk to them at all. Its pure harassment and unjustified. They talk too soon too much without knowing what lies beneath. I’am tempted to challenged them to lay their documents at the table however…. first iam not in ph and iam still jobless and can’t even afford an atty. I really feel bad for my family.

Do they(Bank abroad) have a jurisdiction here..

2Credit Card Bills Abroad Empty Re: Credit Card Bills Abroad Wed Apr 20, 2011 10:28 pm



my guess is that they really are authorized by the bank, but it is a collection agency not a bank.

they love it when you panic and get angry. they hate it when you you're apathetic.

next time they visit their house, take their pictures. you don't have to talk to them

no criminal action will prosper in the philippines because the acts happened in (let me guess, dubai? you're not the first in the forum)

collection agencies use these tactics precisely because due process takes too long.

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