I had to undergo a crash course about legal matters within 48 hours and this forum was very helpful that I thought that I might as well ask my questions here
A relative was involved in a vehicular accident which resulted to a death of one and multiple serious physical injuries.
1) The person who died was separated from his wife for almost 10 years. He was survived by his siblings and a minor child. We have already signed an affidavit of desistance from his siblings. We also have an affidavit of claimant with undertaking from the deceased siblings which states “…we (the siblings) are the legal beneficiaries/claimants of (the deceased) in absence of his wife...”
• Is the affidavit of claimant with undertaking from the siblings enough to protect us against any claims from the wife since they are separated?
• If this is not enough then would it be okay to keep the current affidavit of claimant with undertaking as it is but just have an acknowledgment form that has the line “For and in behalf of (name of wife) and in behalf of (name of minor child), under the name of the siblings/recipients of the benefits?
2) Regarding the multiple people who have serious and minor physical injuries…
• We have shouldered their medical expenses; however, some of them have unreasonable claims (e.g. compensate money lost during the accident, educational plan etc.). What should be the correct way with dealing with these people’s claims? Should we just let the insurance company talk to them?
o If we do leave it to the insurance company, are we assured that they have our best interest in terms of avoiding any civil or criminal cases filed against us?
What we would like to avoid any civil or criminal case against our relative; however, make sure that whatever settlement is agreed upon is reasonable.
Thanks in advance!