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mortgage loan

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1mortgage loan Empty mortgage loan Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:01 pm


Arresto Menor

i wanna ask if mortgage loan is conjugal. i got married to a US immigrant and now citizen in 1995 when she spent vacation here but we never lived as couple. after few years, we got separated and stopped communicating each other but we're not yet annulled. in early 2000s i inherited a property lot from my parents,actually the process was done through sale from my mother since my father is already dead. in 2005 i decide to mortgage the property to a private person that up to now i still enable to redeem. In the deed of mortgage that we executed i was stated as single. now my questions are:

1.) is she also liable to the mortgage loan i made if the mortgagee enforced me to pay the loan? because they want to include her in the complain since they know that she has the capacity to pay the loan?

2.) if i will go for annulment how much would be the cheapest estimated amount needed and how long will it take? i am planning to save money for the annulment since i am already with another girl with 2 kids and i learned from common friends that she is also leaving with someone in the US.

Thank you in advance...

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