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Middle name problem.

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1Middle name problem.  Empty Middle name problem. Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:19 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, in my birth certificate. Middle name is initial only. And I use the middle name and surname of my mother. I have no father. But whenever I apply including government id's and account. They always ask what is the meaning of my middle name initials. In other document except my birth certificate i use the middle name of my mother. Im afraid the problem will arise if I apply for passport. I need advice. Thank you.

2Middle name problem.  Empty Re: Middle name problem. Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:41 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

legally you cannot use the middle name of your mother since it will appear that your grand parents are your parents and not your mother.

3Middle name problem.  Empty Re: Middle name problem. Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:50 pm


Arresto Menor

Pano ko po kaya maiaayos to?

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