Good afternoon. I just want to ask about a legal matter. I am currently 5 months pregnant and a son who is 2 years old. I am married with an egyptian man who is currently in United Arab Emirates. He is living with a filipina woman there and i found out that she was married here in the Philippines before, she converted to Islam and I am wondering how they able to get a marriage certificate while I believe she is not yet annulled from her previous marriage with a filipino. After I found out about that, I asked my husband for a divorce. I converted to Islam also and we are married here in the Philippines at a mosque. Please advise how can I ask for a divorce here in the Philippines? What grounds can i file for him. By the way, his coming here in the philippines after 8 or 9 moths only and staying with us for only 15 days. I find it not fair for my children specially my eldest because at his age he needs to feel the affection of his father. My husband doesnt have any child to the lady he is staying with right now. I choose to file a divorce than to let my children suffer in the future expecting their father's time and love.
Your advise is sincerely appreciated.
Respectfully yours,