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1TEACHER CONCERN Empty TEACHER CONCERN Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:28 pm


Arresto Menor

This is about what happened three weeks ago sa school na pinagtatrabahuan ni mama..
Yung studyante nya lumabas sa classroom mg di nya namalayan since they are having an activity on other hand around 3pm grade 2 teacher dismissed her students and allow them to play outside the classroom now the student of my mother played with the gr.2 student accidentally the gr2 student injured. My question WHOSe to Blame? Yong teacher ba magbabayad lahat ng gastusin?

2TEACHER CONCERN Empty Re: TEACHER CONCERN Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:26 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

The teacher exercises responsibility over the student under the principle of substitute parental authority of our laws.

The teacher, acting as the substitute parent, should have exercised due diligence in looking after her students. It is also possible that the other student is partially negligent for going off on her own, but that has to be investigated by the school officials further in order to use that rationale as a defense.

The school administrator should assist the teacher in talking with the parents of the students in settling this issue out of court.

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