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Do I Have To Go With My Parents?

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1Do I Have To Go With My Parents? Empty Do I Have To Go With My Parents? Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:04 pm


Arresto Menor

I didn't like the degree I was pursuing before (Chemical Engineering) and have attempted to get my parents to let me change to something else, and sadly, went along with the program (Chemical Processing Technology) that was close to my former one so the years I studied weren't a waste. But I didn't enroll for the current term in college and my parents found out.

Last Thursday, I ran to my grandparents' place and they had an agreement with my parents that we would meet on the 21st to talk, but they(my parents) ended up changing their minds and told me over the phone that even if I wanted to or not, I would be going home with them to the province. That was after I explained my reasons for not enrolling in the first place over the phone, telling my parents that I didn't want to go home with them. The next day, I ran from the house hours before they were supposed to arrive. My mother was complete furious and raging. She was shaking in anger over the phone, and that scared me, especially since I have been slapped before in the past and would receive passive aggressive statements from her.

Anyway, since then, they have tracked my sim card/phone (my uncle works for Globe Telecom) and I heard from one of my aunts that was staying with my grandparents that someone had tried to hack her account, knowing that I was close to them. They already suspected that my father's side of the family was hiding me and demanded that I be brought back to them. And they might even involve the police.

The legal advice I'm asking for is, can they bring me back with them even though I'm 21 (twenty-one years old), and have specifically told them I do not want to go with them? I'm scared that the police will make me go with them since they're my parents. I do not want to. I have plans of finishing college, but not the degree they wanted (we have a starting family business, and they wanted me to pursue a degree that would help the company).

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