This is what happened.
It is about posting of video in the social media. My brother sold a bag to one of his friends and the owner of the bag is the other friend of his. So when the bag is already sold the woman knew later on that the bag is fake but my brother and his friend which is the owner of the bag didn't know also either that the bag is fake. After that situation my brother and his 2 friends took a video which the topic is about the bag and I think they also insulted the woman who is the buyer of the bag, but the one who posted the video is 1 of his friends which is the owner of the phone that is used for filming it. And the woman who is the complainant is pointing at my brother and not the one who posted the video.
Also the woman change the date of the hiring without us knowing it and the court just notified us on that day not before the day that she change the date.
Also the attached photo is what the complainant and her siblings conversation about my brother and his friends.
I hope you could reply immediately cause the hiring is tomorrow already. Thank you for your understanding. Have a good day!