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Granted or not?

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1Granted or not? Empty Granted or not? Fri Jul 13, 2018 6:27 am


Arresto Menor

My husband filed divorce in sharia court kidapawan city, my question is, if this will be granted and affects the civil law if I will not oppose on it? Since we are both catholic and got married in catholic church, but recently he converted into muslim. In order to divorce me and marry other woman.
The one of the problem that I cannot oppose because of the financial problem and time conflict.
Please do enlighten my mind. Thank you

2Granted or not? Empty Re: Granted or not? Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:55 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

The divorce proceedings in the Shari'a court cannot prosper since the marriage was conducted in catholic rites. Shari'a divorce only applies when Islamic rites were used for the marriage, as far as I know.

You should consult with a Shari'a Attorney to have a more authoritative answer.

3Granted or not? Empty Re: Granted or not? Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:17 am


Reclusion Perpetua

thepoetsedge wrote:The divorce proceedings in the Shari'a court cannot prosper since the marriage was conducted in catholic rites. Shari'a divorce only applies when Islamic rites were used for the marriage, as far as I know.

You should consult with a Shari'a Attorney to have a more authoritative answer.

''The divorce proceedings in the Shari'a court cannot prosper since the marriage was conducted in catholic rites.''
That is correct!

4Granted or not? Empty Re: Granted or not? Tue Jul 17, 2018 10:05 am


Reclusion Perpetua

AWV wrote:
thepoetsedge wrote:The divorce proceedings in the Shari'a court cannot prosper since the marriage was conducted in catholic rites. Shari'a divorce only applies when Islamic rites were used for the marriage, as far as I know.

You should consult with a Shari'a Attorney to have a more authoritative answer.

''The divorce proceedings in the Shari'a court cannot prosper since the marriage was conducted in catholic rites.''
That is correct!

Thank you! I am still a law student, so I am eager to learn from those who are already into the law practice.

May you have a good day, Sir/Madame AWV! Godspeed. Smile

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