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Lawyer Issues

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1Lawyer Issues Empty Lawyer Issues Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:22 pm


Arresto Menor


I recently planned to have my marriage annulled. I was introduced to a lawyer who was willing to take on the case given the budget that i presented. This meeting took place inside a coffee shop in makati.

I was not asked to sign anything he just agreed that he would take the case. After a few days i deposited the money to his account (2 separate accounts)and mailed him my marriage contract and the birth certificate of my son and everything was coordinated thru SMS or via phone only(no 2nd meeting).

The problem is i just found out that i will not be regularized for employment so meaning that im already out of work. I decided to back out on the annulment given the immediate need for resources and we havent really started or filed anything in court.

I called to inform him about the situation i was in and he got very agitated. I told him that im postponing it for now since i need to consolidate my resources. Bottom line was that he said that "hindi ganun kadali isauli yung pera" adding that he already gave some money to his partner.He also mentioned that we needed to meet for me to sign something.


- Can he refuse to give back the full amount given that we have not really started anything and that he hasnt even given me a formal contract?
- If he asks me to sign something what do i need to be careful about?

Please i really need some advice on this since im dealing with a lawyer.


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