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Missing/Damage Contract of Lease

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1Missing/Damage Contract of Lease Empty Missing/Damage Contract of Lease Fri Jun 22, 2018 8:14 pm


Arresto Menor

Meron po kami commercial space pinapaupahan, 2009 till now, as long as I can remember 5years lang ang contract.

Problem is ayaw umalis ni Tenant, worst Contract is nasira ng anay, pati si Lessee yun copy nila missing din daw.

Tried to go sa Notarial Section ng City Hall kaso need daw yun reference ng Notary para mahanap ag copy

Ano po pwede gawin para mapaalis si Lessee kasi ipapaayos po ang property?

2Missing/Damage Contract of Lease Empty Re: Missing/Damage Contract of Lease Fri Jun 22, 2018 10:09 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Go to court and file an ejectment case. From the time na nag-expire na ang lease contract, they are only staying there on a month to month basis kung wala naman bagong contract na pinagkasunduan. Pero kung ayaw nyo na sila doon, pwede nyo na silang paalisin based sa termination ng contract. Send a demand letter to vacate, kasi yung demand nyo sa kanila para umalis ang magpapatunay na hindi nyo na gustong irenew pa ang agreement. Matapos ang palugit na ibibigay ninyo para umalis at hindi parin umaalis, ipa-barangay nyo na para makakuha kayo ng certificate to file action na kailangan para makapag-demanda ka ng ejectment sa court.

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