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Summary Judgement for 2nd Birth Certificate

3 posters

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Arresto Menor

We just completed a long 2-year process to correct my daughter’s birth certificate. However, when we filed the court order with the PSA they found another birth certificate that her grandmother filed prior to the birth certificate that the court ruled on. Now they are telling us that we need cancel the birth certificate that she's been using for 28 years and make corrections to the first birth certificate. My question, is there any way to apply the current court order or expedite a new court order similar to a "summary judgement". No one is challenging either one.



this is sad to hear after all your effort. It looks like you have to file another petition


Arresto Menor

Thanks for your reply. Is there any way to expedite the process since it as basically already been approved? And is 2 two years a normal time frame for something like this. The court proceeding for the first one kept getting reset 2-3 months each time. Everything we are correcting is straight facts and we provided legal documentation to prove. Plus no one was disputing any of our claims. I’m not familiar with the legal system in the Philippines but it’s been very frustrating.



Ask your lawyer to try re-opening the case in the original court. They might allow it


Arresto Menor

Thanks, we really appreciate your advice. My daughter has an appointment with the attorney tomorrow.


Arresto Menor

Hi, I have a dual registration. One is Batangas which was registered first, and tge other one is in Q.C - wherein I was born. Probably my Tatay registered me in Batangas without my Mom's knowldege. I would just like to ask where should I file my petition for cancellation? Q.c or Batangas? I am already living in Mandaluyong as of the moment. Is there any lawyer out there whom you can recommend? And how much and how long is the process? I would appreciate any reply. Thanks



The one filed in batangas is the official one


Arresto Menor

Our situation was a little more involved than just canceling one but we were told that we needed to file it in the providence where she lived. I originally contacted a few attorneys in Manila and they wanted 3-4 times the amount the attorney my daughter found in her providence. But that could be because the request came from a foreigner. Plus, they were going to charge for travel expenses, so it’s best to go with a local attorney. Ask around for the best rate.

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