The ROAD lot has listed all heirs as co-owners, a total of six.
I have tried to get them to sell me a road right of way (RROW) so I can use this road to reach my lot. I prefer to pay rather than create angry neighbors and demand a legal right of way, which may be denied since this was originally their parents land from which the road was segmented FOR THEIR USE. Unfortunately, one of the heirs does not want to give a RROW but the eldest tried to sell me the entire road.
The tax assessor and someone in the registry of deeds says we cannot buy the road... they cannot sell the road.
However, is it legal to buy the UNDIVIDED SHARE from one of the co-owners of the road and get registry of deeds to replace his name with mine on the title ? His lot is also adjacent to a public road so he would not lose access if he sold us his undivided share.