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Car loan feom easwest bank

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1loan - Car loan feom easwest bank Empty Car loan feom easwest bank Wed May 09, 2018 12:01 pm


Arresto Menor

by russellautentico
Good day. I have an overdue of 1 month from my carloan at EAstwest bank and now they are harrassing me that if i am not gonna pay the said overdue, they will pull out the car.

Is that possible? Can they pull out the car even if its just a 1 month past due??

2loan - Car loan feom easwest bank Empty Re: Car loan feom easwest bank Wed May 09, 2018 4:44 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Yes, it is possible, depending on the policy of your creditor. The point here is that you have defaulted payment kahit isang bwan pa lang yan. Some creditors are more tolerant that others, but once you default, the creditor has a cause of action against you. That notwithstanding, I doubt that they will immediately file a legal action against you for failing to pay for just 1 month.

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