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Need legal advise

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1Need legal advise Empty Need legal advise Wed May 09, 2018 10:12 am


Arresto Menor

We bought a house and lot property, and been fully paid since January of last year. It was suppose to be turned over to us 30-40days after its paid in full, but it turned out to be 5 months. After, I have them some punch list of repairs that needs to be done and advised them that we'll have to move in soon so they need to fix the repairs as soon as possible, including the MERALCO POST inside our lot. I asked them to remove and have it relocated since June of last year, and up until now, no action has been taken, after months and months of follow up, emails and visits to their office. But since we need to move in this month that has been lon over due, I asked them a settlement of Php300,000 to be paid to for non compliance and inconvenience instead of relocating the meralco post. I have few other complaint against FILINVEST, in regards to fraud but I just want to know what are my option to this case and my fighting chance.

Please help!

2Need legal advise Empty Re: Need legal advise Thu May 10, 2018 2:18 pm



your recourse is to seek damages at hlurb, but you will need to justify the damages.

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