It's been a long time but my last bar exam results in the 1987 Bar Examination still haunts me until today. With the passing grade fixed at 75%, I got a grade of 74.50% with no grade below 50% in every subject way higher than the grades of those admitted to the Bar in the recent years . If I remember right, only 400 plus out of 2,600 passed the 1987 bar. I went to the Office of the Bar Confidant and was given the chance to examine my examination booklets. To my surprise, my examination booklet in Civil law is very clean with only my grade (65%) written at the box in the cover.There was no grade or mark on each and every answers unlike the 7 booklets where scores were written on every answers. I contemplated on filing a petition for the rechecking of my exam in Civil Law because it seems that the grade given to me was only a guess work but somewhere, somehow I was discouraged by some lawyers in the office whom I thought are friends. I decided to work in the US and tried to forget everything about the Bar Exams.. In the past years ,however, the SC has been lenient in adjusting the passing grade to 70%, 71%, 72% and 73% and many bar examinees were admitted to the Bar.To vindicate myself, I am now thinking of filing a Petition for the rechecking of my Civil Law exam and retrieve my Civil Law examination booklet archived in the Office of the Bar Confidant.Is there a prescriptive period for this action? Does the Equal Protection Clause apply to my case? I would appreciate any opinion on the matter. Thanks.