a better understanding of the situation, me and my wife were not in good terms because she thought that I was having an affair with the childs mother. So to make the story short, the father of the said child found out about the false accusation against me and his wife, so he then approached my wife and asked to help him degrade me and his wife by posting edited pictures of me and his wife, but when my wife declined to do what he was doing he gets upset and even included my wife in his libelous post on social media. Now, back to the event where he said his child was abused by my wife, that took place in my sons school while my wife was fetching him for lunch. My son and the said child attends the same school, now while my wife was waiting for my son at the school's lobby, a teacher who was also her friend approached my wife and asked about the post of the childs father on social media, so my wife told her about the alleged affair and all that happened,then the teacher asked who the child was just then at the middle of their conversation the child passed by, so my wife let the child passed then in about 15-20 meters away, my wife told the teacher that that was the child of my alleged mistress, my wife then told the teacher not to look at the child for he might noticed them. So that was what happened. Now according to the childs father, his son came home that day crying and when asked what was wrong the child allegedly said that he was scared because my wife were repeatedly pointing fingers at him, according to the father, that caused his son to be traumatized and afraid to go to school. Of course that never happened and the teacher can vouch and willing to testify that it never happened. Now I hope I have provided you sufficient information for you to answer my following questions: 1) Both parties have been summoned to the barangay captain's office since the father filed a complaint. They met with reps from DSWD and PNP Womens desk but failed to settle the matter because the father said that he will only agree on a settlement if my wife would kneel down before him which my wife disgustedly declined, so the father threathened my wife that he would escalate the matter to higher court. Now my first question is; given the situation above, can he file a child abuse case against my wife given that they have no witnesses that can confirm that my wife did that except the child's testimony? 2) if he can, how can my wife defend herself against that false accusation given that she has a credible witness and the accuser have not? 3) Can my wife file a counter case against the father? If yes, what are those cases?
I Sincerely hope you can help me and provide answers to my question. Thank you and God bless!