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Rights, Obligations, Family, In-laws

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1Rights, Obligations, Family, In-laws Empty Rights, Obligations, Family, In-laws Mon Nov 27, 2017 5:07 pm


Arresto Menor

Just wanted to inquire regarding my current situation. I am married to a bank employee and we have a 3 year old daughter who I care for, while working from home. A few days before we got married (Mar '14), my spouse took a consolidation/home loan for not less than 600k. The monthly dues are higher than the salary, hence I had to pay for everything else at home plus, a small amount (allowance of sorts) so my spouse could go to work. We will finish the loan by 2018.

Their family had an issue with right of way and the only solution my in-laws could think of is to buy the 2M php lot in front of theirs. I explicitly told my spouse, we cannot afford it and we will not share any amount. We don't even live there anyway, plus it will never make sense to spend 2m to save a property valued less than 500k. My spouse went behind my back and committed to pay half (1m) and leave the other half for her family to figure out. I was furious.

I texted my spouse today that I will stop the support I was giving, and I require reciprocation. This time, we will flip the sharing we've had since we got married; Up until XX Month. Equal to the number of months I paid more. And we will start sharing equally after it's been settled. If we are still together.

Am I right to assume that both Man and Wife share equal financial obligation for the upkeep of the family?
If we split up, what are my chances and possible outcomes?
Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated
I hope you could enlighten me especially with the questions I didn't know I had to ask but are pertinent to this situation.

Thank you in advance,

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