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Is it possible that minimum wage earner get taxed?

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Arresto Menor

I would like to seek answer about my question above. I am a minimum wage earner but I have allowance almost the same with my monthly income. I do not have income tax when I was first hired (I was under an agency) however when I got hired directly by the same company, and my income got taxed. I did not receive clear explanation from the company on what is the basis of the income tax because i know that minimum wage earners are exempted from tax. I work in manufacturing company in a province. In my situation, is it possibe that I get income tax even if I am a minimum wage earner?


Reclusion Perpetua

allowances will push you above minimum wage. dinaya ng agency mo ang sahod mo to pretend you are a minimum wage earner. +1 peso allowance will disqualify you as a minimum wage earner. Allowance + your salary and pag compute if minimum wage ka or not. Just as a guide if your total 8 hours is above 512, then you are not a minimum wage earner

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