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Need explanation of RA 8190

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1Need explanation of RA 8190 Empty Need explanation of RA 8190 Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:41 pm


Arresto Menor

Good afternoon po.
I'm a Teacher I applicant. I graduated Magna Cum Laude, has 2 years teaching experience. I ranked 7 nationwide on the Licensure Examination of Teachers and am also Rank 1 on the Registry of Qualified Applicants for Teacher I Position in our division.
There's only 1 vacant teaching item in our district. I thought I would be hired; but what happened was because one of the qualified applicants is from that barangay with a vacant item -- she was the one hired. The one hired was Rank5 in our district and Rank 121 division-wide. It was because of the Localization Law. Was it just po? Ganun po ba talaga ang Localization Law? I tried to apply nalang in other districts pero wala ng vacant. What should I do po?

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