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Process needed to annotate a TCT or Condo CT after Annulment

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Arresto Menor

Today is 15 September 2017.
My marriage was annulled December 2016.
I have researched the process of Annotations of Certificate Of Marriage after an Annulment.
Will be checking with NSO re: CENOMAR since it has been nine (9) months since the Court Decision.

However, I have two (2) concerns that I cannot seem to find direct answers.

1. My father, now deceased, donated a parcel of land in my name with "married to (name of ex-wife)" in the TCT as some sort of marriage gift early on during the nullified marriage.

2. I have acquired a condominium unit during the process of the annulment, with the CCT indicating "spouses (my name) and (ex-wife's name)". This Condo unit is still under mortgage in a commercial bank. I have managed to negotiate with my ex-wife to execute an SPA to facilitate the mortgage.

My main questions are as follows:

1. How do I get the TCT annotated to solely indicate my name since this land is inherited?

2. How do I get the CCT annotated to solely indicate my name since this has been acquired exclusively through my money alone (which is clear with ex-wife, that is why she executed an SPA), noting that the original copy of the CCT is under bank's custody?

Hoping for your kindness on these concerns.
Please enlighten me.

PMs are also welcome.
Thank you very much in advance.

Last edited by DeltaRomeo on Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : grammar)

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