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Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours

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1Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Empty Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:18 am


Arresto Menor

Hi Guys,

I'm not sure if my question has been posted here before or has the same concern. Here it goes.

Is it right to deduct 1 hour from the overtime rendered that exceeded to 8 hours?

For example:

Regular Workings hours: 8am-5pm
Overtime: 5pm - 3am
Total OT filed by employee: 10hours

Since the employee filed for 10hours OT, is it right to pay the employee for his 9 hours only since there should be a 1 hour break time for the straight duty?

Additional note: Some employees claimed that they did not consume the 1 hour break time given, while some said they did not have their break during overtime.

Thank you.

2Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Empty Re: Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:51 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

basta the break was given even if the employee worked through it, no need to pay overtime for that hour. but if you sid not allow the employee to take a break then you have to pay him for that one hour

3Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Empty Re: Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:16 pm

Capt Ragnar

Capt Ragnar
Arresto Mayor

It is not right for the employer to deduct the exceeded amount of hours worked by its employees. Assuming regular work hours is 8 hours and then your meal break plus snack time which is to be taken whether your colleagues admit it or not. We'll, I believed I answered your question mate.

4Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Empty Re: Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:22 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

to clarify what he said, the employer should not deduct the exceeded amount of hours worked by its employees THAT ARE AUTHORIZED.

5Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Empty Re: Regular OT exceeded in 8 hours Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:59 am


Reclusion Perpetua

To add to luke statement:

If you are told to render OT work, does the OT filed in advance?
5pm - 3pm is a 10 hours overtime, nilalagay ba sa OT form ninyo na mag work kayo ng 10 hours? What about dinner break? the company will take into consideration that you have a dinner (meal) break, which is the same for lunch break and that's 1 hour. Company usually take this into consideration because you cannot work straight 10 hours without dinner and they will only authorize 9 hours overtime and the 1 hour for your meal.

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