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How to remove rights of biological father

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1How to remove rights of biological father Empty How to remove rights of biological father Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:33 am


Arresto Menor

I am a single mother with a 2 year old daughter. My daughter's father and I were never married. He took responsibility of getting me pregnant but only through words, and never through action. He has, time and time again, proven that he is incapable of being a father and that is why I left him. He still claims though that he wants to be with us but does this only through text and has never actually done anything about it.

Thanks to my parents' counsel, I did not place his name on my daughter's certificate of live birth.

I have moved on with my life and have accepted my role as a single mother. I will be taking my child with me to the US in a few months.

My question is this:

What can he do to gain legal rights over my daughter? He has never spent a single centavo on us.

I am asking this so that I can try to prevent any problems in the future. I am afraid that when we become well of, he would try to take my daughter to gain her inheritance. He is a drug addict and that is why I am very cautious.

Thank you.


Reclusion Perpetua

He has visitation rights and the right to inherit from your daughter, in the event that she dies ahead of him.

Your daughter may disinherit him later on, but in the meanwhile, you might want to adopt your child so that she is your legitimate child, and in your petition, ask that the father consent and relinquish his rights and obligations.


Arresto Menor

Do I need to ask his consent even if his name wasnt included in the certificate of live birth?


Reclusion Perpetua

Well, since you, the biological mother, will be petitioning the court, you would have to divulge the identity of the biological father and need him to renounce his rights.

Consult a lawyer where you are.


Arresto Menor

Okay. Thank you!

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