My complaint is why would my colleagues share their usernames and passwords to their agents and yet they were not accused of the same infraction that I committed.
Below is my complaint to our operations manager.
Dear Ms. Wong,
I am writing to make a formal complaint against Irene Espinola. My complaint is that she has been manipulating the company's code of discipline when
Mr. Christopher Reotro had failed his scorecard from June of 2016 to December of 2016 but was only given coaching for the 7 months that he has failed his scorecard.
Ms. Aiza Fruto was given PIN 1 after 10 consecutive lates, PIN 2 after 4 consecutive lates, PIN 3 after 6 consecutive lates and Extended Probation after 7 consecutive lates whereas it says on the revised company's code of discipline that it should only be 3 lates within 30 days that you should give a PIN for the said infraction.
Ms. Irene Espinola failed to give appropriate action for Mr. Christopher Reotro for displaying his BP username and password in the shared drive, failed to give appropriate action for Ms. Aiza Fruto for displaying agents' ACSR usernames and passwords in the shared drive and failed to give appropriate action to Mr. Mykki Uy for displaying his agent's BP username and password in the shared drive whereas no one can divulge any username and password per our information security protocol.
My question is, can I file a case against them for illegally terminating me?