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Using a similar-sounding name for a product

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Arresto Menor


I created a free visual novel called Hitogotchi, with its story being inspired by Tamagotchis (but not mentioning anything about Tamagotchis in the game). I'm currently working on its sequel, which I am aiming to sell commercially.

Would I be infringing on the Tamagotchi trademark if I continue to include Hitogotchi as a name for the game because of how similar they sound?


Reclusion Perpetua

You can try to get the name protected and see if it's approved.
Although it isn't sure other countries will agree to what Philippines deside.

I BELIEVE it's ok. (I don't know what "gotchi" mean though.)
And I believe it would have been much less chance to get ok if you had named something Tamaxxxxx

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