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Arresto Menor

Good Day!

Please help I need some advice I always go with the flow but I'm not gonna let it pass this time  Sad
feb 6-8 i was on sick leave and on the first day of me being absent which was on the 6th my manager have already requested to send me a Return to Work Notice before I even receive the notice I was able to go back to work feb 9 and do normal stuffs at work, and on the 10th I receive a letter for Admin Hearing in relates to the RTW that i received. I was shocked when i get back to work i no longer have an access in the company. I waited literally the whole day sitting there in lobby to wait for their go signal that I have my access back, my unit manager and operation manager has been working on it to get my access back and they even told me that our Employee Relation Manager,HR forgot to take my name out of the list for those employees who will have their hearing for absconding. On that same day 2 hours before I ended my shift I was able to get inside, and did my routine everyday at work and when on the day of our payday i didnt get anything! Was advice that it was on hold because I was supposed to have my hearing which is supposedly my name shouldve been lifted already, my operation manager did check it and once again out Employee Relation Manager,HR seems like the finance team didnt receive an update for my status and when my Operation Manager get in touch with HR she did apologize and assure me everything is fix and I might get my anytime soon which they told me its a special pay counting the days end of the month is coming on the feb28 once again I didnt receive any pay even the special pay that they assure me few weeks ago. I already asked them whats goin on because I really thought everything is back where its supposed to be. What they told me as an update from the Employee Relation Manager,HR it was still because of the hearing, that was supposed to be lifted few weeks ago and I no longer have anything to do with any hearing coz i aint doin nothing.

March 1 One of the higher boss talked to me to apologize and did tell me its was because of the Employee Relation Manager,HR that they will take further action for that employee and for my pay what goin to happen I might get in on march 15 wherein she doesnt sound really sure about it at the mean time she offer to give a 2k allowance for until march 15 which isnt enough, and asked me how much will I need with that pay thats currently on hold and I told them I need it all for my bills. She was sorry and  even told me i dont need to beg for the money since i worked hard for it and she did tell me she will give me that money and it will come directly from the managers own pockets and I need to sign a paper as a proof that I will pay it once I have receive my salary, which just doesnt seem right. she even asked me how much i get so i told her the estimate amount of it.

March 2 for my entire 9hours shift whenever i passed by my manager and the higher boss they keep on reminding me that we will talked later coz they will gave me the money for the pay, i was so desperate coz i have bills to pay. My shift ended my unit manager and the higher boss faces isnt aroudnt he office its been almost an hour already when I found em just to inform me that they will partially gave me the amount for the pay, i was totally shocked which the higher manager did notice it she bought me to a room wherein its just gonna be the two of us then again so much of sorry and all that the Employee Relation Manager,HR is being escalated. The reason why they cant give me all the amount is that they have to check all my hours of work and all that they need to confirm it first with the HR and just hand me a 5k. Before I left the room the higher manager offer me that whenever I need something I can just request for such as a Vacation Leave (wherein its totally impossible for an approval due to the employee availability make sure no absences on feb which i do have 3 of it and filing of our leave should be a month prior to the date~) once again an assurance no matter what happend Senior operation Manager will be the one to approve it no matter what happen they will approve it, which i didnt really care i have no plans to do a Vacation leave this march.

I've been trying to find a way to contact our ombuds but the manager and HR dont wanna let me know how i cant seem to find a justice why they were doin this to me Sad Sad

im sorry if the post is too long. i hope someone can give some advice on what i can do is that even legal to hold a salary just because they miss to do their job Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
To be honest, this is the first time I am in this situation, and I will not let this pass for nothing. Your help and advice will be highly appreciated. God Bless.



Reclusion Perpetua

Things like this happens.. you already explained why you didn't get your salary, just wait for the 15th. They already gave you 5K right?

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