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1BOND TRAINING Empty BOND TRAINING Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:24 pm


Arresto Menor

Tanong ko lang po kasi may napirmahan akong bond sa three years training sa kumpanya ngayon 2 taon pa hindi ko natatapos kaso nagresign na ako kasi may ginawang threat s buhay ko yung immediate visor ko dahil sa alitan. Pede ko ba ireason out yun kasi may nakalagay naman s bond ko na pede ako magrequest magwithdraw as trainee if may fortuitous events or serious illness eh may sakit pa ako sa puso.

2BOND TRAINING Empty Re: BOND TRAINING Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:30 pm


Arresto Menor

Ito yung nasa bond ko. The training may request withdrawal from the training by submitting such request in writing to the company but only in the event of serious illness and other fortuitous events. If this request is approved the company reserves the right to impose the reciprocal service period as stipulated in the foregoing item#4 based on the amount already spent for the unfinished training.

3BOND TRAINING Empty Re: BOND TRAINING Sun Jan 22, 2017 4:34 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

unfortunately kelangan iapprove ng company before maging effective yan. the threat effectively eaives the mandatory 30 day notice upon resignation but does not do away with the penalties from the bond. reason out nalang re thee threat hopefully the company understands

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