I work on an outsourcing company (companyA) that basically hire employees to individually work with their clients (client1). It's simply put as client1 hired companyA to hire someone to work for them - so client1 is paying companyA with a cut to pay my salary.
Unfortunately, client1 that I handled before ended their contract to companyA because they faced a problem with their supplier and so, they cannot afford to spend more money.
Now, client1 already fixed their problem and went back to business. I'm still working with companyA for another client (client2). But since client1 liked how I work, they want to get me back on their business - even offered me to just work with them after my working hours with companyA for client2, so I won't be working on both clients at the same hours.
The problem... companyA said I can't work for client1 because I will be breaching the non compete on my contract with them.
Is there any possible way I can accept clien1's offer while working for companyA? Because I was thinking, if client1 is already not on a contract with them, why are they going to sue me? In the first place, working for client1 will be done in my personal time, out of my working hours with companyA for client2.