from what i know it states the time of 1 year and place of the philippines. the reasonable limitation as to trade seems to general to me. it only states "same line of business" as the company. the company is an IT company that caters to the financial services sector. the head office is based in France, so i think this makes the local philippine company a captive BPO subsidiary of the parent compay. is that right?
with the wording of "same line of business", can it be interpreted as any BPO company? if so, would this still be considered a reasonable limitation as to trade?
also, since we were already regular employees we can refuse to sign? is that right? assuming the employee hasn't done anything to void their existing contract.
if there's no mention of penalty and if the company files a case if you violate the clause, would they have to prove that your actions caused the losses or damages that they file for?
i don't want to sign this amended contract, but of course i'm scared of what happens if i don't.
my direct supervisor was recently terminated due to redundancy. they disclosed that our team was overstaffed and his position had been dissolved. what's fishy is that 2 other supervisors with the same designation were not let go, one was promoted to head of our team with a new title and other under him with a different title and will still oversee or handle junior members of the team.
would signing the new contract but having HR acknowledge that i was signing under duress or adding "under duress" after my signature change anything or have any effect? or adding V.C. before my signature?
i think most employees just signed without giving it a second thought. some might have been under the impression that they are required to sign. a few of us are undecided. i'm thinking of either not signing or signing and hope that they don't file a case against me if i do resign and join another company.
i'm sorry if this was too long, but i would appreciate any advice or help. i wouldn't mind referrals to attys who specialize in this. thanks.