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Financial assistance child support etc.

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1Financial assistance child support etc. Empty Financial assistance child support etc. Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:28 am


Arresto Menor


Good day! I need legal advised and what steps to take. I have an 8 yr old daughter and unmarried, Her father is currently working in QBE. He did signed the BC of our daughter. We decided to separate 6 yrs ago. Every year I'm trying to get in touch with him and asked him for financial cupport. I give him my contact #s, personal email and he even knows where I live. But he didn't bother to response. There was a time he said that he doesn't have any job but my sister who's working around BGC saw him there and was shocked. After a yr of me being separated to him I decided to ask for financial support and I even asked some assistance in DSWD in Makati we had a talk and eventually I was advised that I have to go to PAO at that time my daughter is around 2 yrs old. He then texted me and promised me that he'll support me doesn't want to go to the legalities. First time he did give 1500 but that was the first and the last one. I tried reaching out to him but he never did reply nor reach out to me.

Last December I was told by my best friend that my ex is her sisters' colleague. My ex did say to his colleagues that we're not in good terms, he's supporting our daughter (which is untrue) and lastly he said that my daughter is sick. I was ecstatic when I heard it. At that time he still didn't know that my best friend sister knew him. The next day my ex said that I'm not accepting his help and he doesn't want any dramas.

I want to file a case against him. I have messages that proof that he's actually threatening me, emails sent and even txt messages, BC of my daughter. What are the steps that I should take? Where to go? My daughter is already in Grade 3 and I'm the only one who's financing her.


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