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Change name in all goverment records

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1Change name in all goverment records Empty Change name in all goverment records Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:56 pm


Arresto Menor


I am in need of legal counsel. I have been using my name Ronnel Sabado ever since I can remember, I used my old birth certificate with that name for all my records (school, gov. registrations like sss, tin, driver’s license and etc..) and was doing okay however last 2012 I got engaged so I was working on the marriage requirements like cenomar and nso issued birth certificate. I went on the nso website to request for a copy and was surprised to find out that I have no record for my known name. Upon consulting both my parents (which are no longer together since I was a newborn) I found out that my real registered name was Ronillo Hisus which is totally different from what I have and that the surname which i have been using is my mother’s surname when she was still single.
I was advised by an attorney to file an affidavit of two disinterested persons so that I can proceed with the marriage. Unfortunately, the engagement got cancelled and I ended up breaking up with my ex-fiancé.

I asked my mom why this happened and to her defense she said that she did it out of deep hatred for my father. She was being physically abused by my father who she claims was always drinking and gambling. He said that he even lost the money that she was saving for my delivery which was the last straw and ended up leaving him.

Now, I am about to get married again however I am looking past that. I am now in a bind with all the different government departments. Like sss and pag-ibig where my records still shows my known name. Also I am having a hard time looking for work because they are now requiring an nso copy of my birth certificate for transfer of records from my previous employers to a new one.
I have no criminal records nor debts with my known name. I just need to correct my record as my very future depends on it. I will be forever grateful for any assistance I may receive from you all. I hope posting this will point me in the right direction. Thank you in advance and happy holidays.



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