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Need help with a Debt

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1Need help with a Debt Empty Need help with a Debt Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:20 am


Arresto Menor

A year ago I allowed a friend to use my name to lend some money from a friend who does lending. They offer 10% interest everymonth. My friend kept paying everymonth sometimes just the interest. Then December lastyear she went AOL and is nowhere to be found. The lender kept on asking me for the interest and the total payment made by my friend was already more than the initial amount of the debt. However because of the interest I now have to pay 14000, I already gave the person my ATM so he could deduct it everymonth however I had an emergency and could not pay I keep recieving harassing texts that he will go to my parents house and will have them pay. He keep threatening me even sending my partner messages that he will do something bad if I wont pay. I don't know what to do, the friend who borrowed is nowhere to be found and 14k is a big amount of money which I coud use for my mother in laws hospitalization. But I am afraid Sad

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