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Unable to pay financial obligations due to bankruptcy

4 posters

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Arresto Menor

I am currently unemployed and bankrupt and have no means of paying my credit card obligations.
I am being sued and received advice for property disclosure.
What can I do?
MB filed a case against me. I coordinated with their lawyer and paid 20k last Jan 13(i borrowed the money from my in-laws), today they called me and wanted me to pay another 20k bukas or they will push thru with the case. I have no idea where to get the money.
I never intended not to pay...I just can't pay now.



you are being sued? do you mean you received notice from a court or from someone who represents himself as a lawyer?

3Unable to pay financial obligations due to bankruptcy Empty unable to pay due to bankcruptcy Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:19 pm


Arresto Menor

A man from the city hall called me and told me that a case have been filed against me and to avoid "property foreclosure" I need to call a certain lawyer. I called the lawyer and he told me that he is representing MB. He kept pressuring me to pay. After paying the initial amount that he asked to pay I told him that I will ask MB to restructure my account. He called me and "approved" the restructuring himself but still I won't be able to pay since I am currently unemployed and no source of income.


Arresto Menor

Please advise me how to handle my 8 credit card obligations. I have no more savings and unable to pay my credit cards. I am 65 years old, SSS pensioner, can I file debt settlement or bankruptcy


Arresto Menor

HI iM in bad situation right now, we don't have fund to pay our debts and suppliers, and we have pending clients that we need refund their payments, were not running away from our responsibility , is just that we depleted na tlg ang PONDOO namin, and paano po ba mag file ng bankruptcy and ano ano ang maaring mangyari kung sakali na mag file kami nito?


Arresto Menor

this business is under single proprietor and in terms of property wala po akong property na pwedeng ipambayad, maliit na company lang po ang itinayo at naluge ito

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