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Unable to submit counteraffidavit

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1Unable to submit counteraffidavit Empty Unable to submit counteraffidavit Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:43 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi I received a subpoena today. But the document said that I was requested to submit my counter affidavit three days ago pa. Hindi ako nakapagfile kasi tapos na yung deadline bago mareceive yung letter.

Since wala pa akong mahanap na abogado, plano ko po na gumawa at magsubmit na lang muna ng Motion to Extension to Submit Counter Affidavit kahit tapos na ang deadline.

Instead of appearing infront of the prosecutor to submit and to present my counter affidavit, I'll just submit my motion to extend.

Do you have any advice on how I will file my Motion to Extension and what will I do during the day that I am scheduled to appear in front of the prosecutor?

2Unable to submit counteraffidavit Empty Re: Unable to submit counteraffidavit Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:30 pm



there's no second date? i recommend you go to the prosecutor's office and inquire if it was rescheduled

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