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Invasion of privacy

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1Invasion of privacy Empty Invasion of privacy Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:02 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi good day,
I'm Khim Jan

I'm experiencing this abuse of envading my wright of privacy for 6 years plus up until this present time that I'm writing and consulting my case in your site, I know that this kinda sounds like confusing and Wierd that you may thought that I'm a kind of a pchyco and a freeking bastard but Damn my case is for real or true! From my point of view the persons who are encountering this problems are the persons from the celebrity world or the most famous ones like the people from the politics , showbizness , famous athletes , artist , business tycoons , etc. and fuck I'm none of the above sad to say I'm just an ordinary man from the slum who is scheduled to enrolled from college when it's all started. First Let me give you a short summarization of this case from where did it all started I'm from Davao city where our honorable president first take his public service speaking of him we all know that he has this unique style of handling criminals and drug pushers like no mercy in giving them punishments make him earned the name the punisher from the time magazine he started earning this kind of reputation in Davao city the city of durians, do u like durian ? maybe I can give you some bec. We have this few trees of durians if it's just hinog na. Y not Lol 😄, now let me go back to the summary the most harsh way of what I see in Davao in treating and putting some act criminals is from the so called DDS the Davao death squad it's a vigilante group that is killing criminals like smugglers, plunderers , drug lord , syndicates or pushers but not the drug users , etc . even the Part of the DDS doesn't have immunity of getting killed the first members of the group came from the jail or if not an exconvict meaning to say they're also a former criminals that if you put them in power of having this licensed to kill among the criminals and have them armed weapons that they might use it in harms way by using it in their own crimes above 50% of the DDS has get killed also by the system my source is an asset of the system , this kind of system isn't a secret from davaoenyos and the man or the leader who started this stuff , now here's the connection From where it started the scenario is in our house from my grandpas burol or Lamay it was midnight when someone came to his Lamay and ask for a hot coffee and a little bit drunk I'm the one who approach him saying kadali long kol Kay tan awon sa nako sa sulod using a visayan word , visayan is what I really use in communicating I use English or Tagalog occasionally only like stuff like this lol😅 I put emphasis on it as I write bec. Im still in this situation where they can destruct me aswell lol 😇😇 as we move forward I go outside after and tell him that we already don't have coffee during that time maybe a couple of hours pa then the man reacted violently started acting wild and started to have a fight with me in visayan we call it NAGMAOY with the influence of alcohol my reaction was just patient as I could be and just be quiet but he still continue his assault of giving the fight to me maybe a span of 20 minutes Then I get carried away by his wildness and ask him if we can do it "sumbagay" a visayan word for suntukan or fist fight I get shacked by his reaction of it bec. He didn't accept it instead he run away get rattled like a native chicken that doesn't know how to fight I was 19 yrs old weighs maybe 61 klgs. Him was maybe 34 yrs. old ,69 klgs. That time the day after that fight of words between me and him the man came back with a deadly weapon ice peak to be more specific with his kumpare an assasin of the DDS it was maybe 10 in the morning the man was shouting my name throwing the chairs and the wood outside our house in the burol of my lolo asking me to come out threatening my life as wild as he can with his kumpare an assasin member of the DDS my reaction was wierd like empty like nothing I think it's because I can't do a thing yet at that moment I'm just relax that time no worries and all bec. I know That they can't do also a thing to me bec. I'm in the wright side They can't just assault or kill me without any acceptable reasons bec. I'm very well aware of the DDS system not only me but most of us davaoenyos are aware about that but thing is they did that in day where a lot of persons can see and can hear about it that's why my hypothesis was somebody from our neighborhood a concern citizen or from our house get concerned of me might get killed bec. There's an assasin involve in that case that is in the side of my opponent and I think they ask for the help of the government which is a very bad timing bec. It is the incoming end of the campaign peroid of the city's election the most competitive position was in the highest position of the city the mayors position prospero Boy Nograles from the most highest position of the congress the speaker of the house with the slogan of "change we need change we must" vs Inday Sarah Duterte which is the former vice mayor with the slogan of "what for we have the best" I remembered during that time their slogans printed in the tarpaulins putting in overpasses all over Davao city the peak of the heat of the campaign period in Davao city that's how I defined it that my case can have a little impact in their campaign or in the surveys the pulse of the voters , I think that's how it started I just woke up in my bed suddenly experiencing this confusing , stressing, distracting, annoying, frustrating maybe hearth breaking bec. Of this invasion of my privacy by a lot of people that's why I decided to go outside Davao city hoping that it would stop then , my heart felt quite sad in leaving the durian city lol😄 quite dramatic 😥😥 I go to tagum city with hopes the thing is it didn't stop how sad 😩😢😥😪😰 made me conclude that it wouldn't depend in if it's outside Davao or not I just definitely want to stop it bec. It's very abusive but I can't do a thing maybe bec. lack of money without money your options will be just limited to fewest , led me no options to just continue life having this kind of abuse ! Enrollment comes the school that I was enrolling was an Academy of cadets in maritime studies I felt that they don't want the idea of me studying in their school bec. Of this invasion imagine schools have gates and strict policies of who should they let in or not and then they'll be invaded of lot s of strangers most of them are bastards but they can't just deny me from studying bec. My wright serves us my strength my rights to study the school get complicated aswell of having this kind of situation but they handle it to the best they can with a heart years passed by I finally graduate I finished my course which is BSMT bachelor of science in marine transportation but the thing is when employment comes like me applying for a job firstly from the field that what my college course is in line which is in the seafarer industry I passed all the requirements, qualifications, exams and all and yet they still did terminated my application not by any means but in one particular reason which is of me having this envasion of privacy for a huge number of people that will lead to somehow invading their privacy also that can maybe destroy the name of the company distract the employees in their task to make it simple they just protecting their company's from intruders or invaders which I understand , I also tried to applied in a mall same results , this time I don't have rights to get to side with me in getting employed for its not a rights it's a choice and it's the choice I peek to get employed but it looks like it can't be done bec. Of too much complication From invading my privacy which led me to become an istambay I think it's been two years than I have been literally an istambay even though I'm already an istambay this thing still continues.
One thing that I still doesn't know is the material or technology that they're using in envading my privacy to the extent! Do you know such thing ? I'm very eager to know this thing actually I google it but the result are like their still in the developing process to make this thing possible how come I'm facing it already for six years plus up to this present time as I write this to you, even led me to a point that my family consulted an psychologist for my case that resulted in me needing medical medication bec. From their own understanding I look like a man who has this mental illness! , it also led me in too much depressions resulting in giving me maintenance medicine for a couple of years already from the psychologist, it also led me into sometimes get paranoid about this like me sometimes getting confused and believing sometimes that I might be just like a mutant like professor X charles ohh hope so! Bec. I have a great crush on mystique who bdw played by jennifer Lawrence . Hope I get some help and answers from you, lastly I have read and search this from Google republic act no 10173 how come this envasion exist for the longest time up to the present if it's in our Saligang Batas? I don't just want my privacy rights to have back I also want justice! Hope that somebody in this world can help me who ever you are May God might help you.

2Invasion of privacy Empty Re: Invasion of privacy Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:59 am


Reclusion Perpetua


Is this employment related?

Got a shorter version, perhaps a direct question?

3Invasion of privacy Empty Re: Invasion of privacy Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:51 am


Arresto Menor

Is there any technology you know that do exist in this world that invades someone privacy up to the extent like words coming from someones mind images etc. I googled about it and the result was quite not useful bec. The answers was they still developing that kind of technology which is use for some patients that's is in paralysis in order for them to still communicate, how come that I'm facing it six years and a couple of months up until now? Can you search it for me? Bec. Obviously they're blocking my way from knowing it. The thing is I don't have any for you to give pero Baka kasi ang DIYOS ay Meron yun lng naman po.

4Invasion of privacy Empty Re: Invasion of privacy Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:17 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Rolling Eyes

5Invasion of privacy Empty Re: Invasion of privacy Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:19 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Please refrain from asking questions unrelated to 'Labor and Employment' especially questions only supernatural beings can answer.

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