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Employment end contract

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1Employment end contract Empty Employment end contract Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:26 pm


Arresto Menor

I applied for a position in a company. At first their concern is i am not a college graduate even though i have a 12  years of experience in the field of events and advertising/marketing.  i did not persue/follow up my application. Suddenly they asked me to go to the head office at require to take the exam which i passed. when i reached got a message informing me to take the essay exam (which is very unusual). They email the questions and for several days someone from HR said they will email their offer, upon checking it says Project Base for 5 months, so i did not sign the offer and they called again so i asked why project base? The girl from HR said after your evaluation and if the eval is good my status will change after another 2 months. Last July 23, 2016 the asked me to report to HR so i did, The HR head told me that they are ending my contract because I AM NOT A COLLEGE GRADUATE and they are being unfair to other employees who has a diploma  if they continue to hire  me. I told them isn't it also unfair on my part that the reason why you're removing me is bec. i don't have diploma. My GM was shocked upon hearing this bec. she was telling me that she will adjust my salary. HR did not even inform my GM. My contract will expire this Aug. 1. They did not even advise me at least a month ago that they don't want me to continue. If i had known it earlier sana i tried applying for a vacant position and the possibility of employment from another company which my friend told me that there's a job opening.  I have a PWD daughter to support and now i'm left in the dark.

Can someone help me regarding this matter. I want to bring this matter to our Labor.

2Employment end contract Empty Re: Employment end contract Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:48 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi.. I am not a college graduate too but been practicing Admin / HR for 20++ yrs now.

I can relate to your concern, however as HR, its is really the discretion of the company who to retain as regular employees. We have SOP's but the Management can very well make exception to any rule as long as they don't violate any law. For your issue, I can't see any labor violation.

If the company you applied require all their regular employees MUST BE college graduate, its their right to do that. But if the management find an applicant / employee to be exceptional and can very well perform the job very well, then its a matter of they like you or not... that's it.. again, they can always make exception to the rules,, its their rule, the Management can break it.

Just find a company that can recognize your abilities, I did.. you will grow more to employers who  will value your contributions to the company.. Good luck..

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