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Changing me as a GM

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1Changing me as a GM Empty Changing me as a GM Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:06 pm


Arresto Menor

I just came back from my 3 weeks holiday and on my first day back at work the owner told me that he will be replacing me as a General Manager for a reason that our Marketing Manager will accept the General Manager position for a salary of 30000 Php and he will be working 7 days a week. I am currently earning 80000 Php and has 2 days off in a week. Now he wants me to just be the Operations Manager of the Scuba Diving School for a salary of 35000 Php? Is this legal. He has no grounds aside from the reason that another guy is willing to accept a lower salary than what he's paying me. Please help me.

2Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:09 am


Reclusion Perpetua

he can't do that. you can file a complaint for diminution of benefits. wait for them to either pay you lower or issue you something in writing because you will need proof

3Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:05 am


Arresto Menor

Thank you very much Sir for your reply. Just to add note as well, I don't have a contract for the position as the General Manager but he introduced me to the staff as the GM starting May 2016. The only proof I have in hand are the copies of my pay slips. He also just told me verbally about being demoted as Operations Manager and having a lower salary verbally. Will the payslips be enough proof for it? I will wait for my next payslip so I can show the difference with my salary.

4Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:56 am


Reclusion Perpetua

While the owner's procedures are blatantly wrong, it's also curious and unusual that from May to the present (2 months), you have already been on holiday for 3 weeks - so almost half of your employment as GM was being elsewhere.

5Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:00 am


Arresto Menor

Before I was promoted as GM my 3 weeks leave was already approved Sir that's why I had 3 weeks leave from 13th of June and came back to work on the 7th of July.

6Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:03 am


Reclusion Perpetua

that might be a problem then. Does your payslip indicate your designation/position? The employer can always say that the higher pay was to due to a one off bonus or something. Then it will be a he said/she said situation.

7Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:10 am


Arresto Menor

It doesn't state my position but it shows how much my daily rate is and I started working in the company on November 2014 and my starting salary was 40000 Php then it increased to 50000 Php and when I was promoted as GM it increased to 80000 Php. Still it doesn't make since that my salary will now be reduced to 35000 Php.

8Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:40 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

wait for the "lower" payslip muna before deciding on your next course. Remember the owner can always remove you for "loss of confidence" in your abilities since you are employed as a manager

9Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:10 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank you sir, I will definitely do that.

10Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:35 pm


Arresto Menor

Just another question sir, my boss ask me to sign a new contract. Will it be ok for me to sign it or I will leave it for the meantime since I'm planning to file a complaint later on.

11Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Sat Jul 09, 2016 1:44 am


Reclusion Perpetua

signing a new contract might be taken against you. but if you don't sign you may be terminated. its a toss up

12Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:43 am


Arresto Menor

Thank you sir. Just another question sir, I will be talking to my boss again on Monday. If I can record our conversation and can I also use it as an evidence if I file a complaint? Once I receive my payslip with the lower salary I wanted to submit a resignation. Do I have to follow the one month notice if I state that the reason I'm leaving is the diminution on my benefits? Can I still file a complaint even if I already resigned in the company?

13Changing me as a GM Empty Re: Changing me as a GM Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:51 am


Reclusion Perpetua

angel_rc wrote:Thank you sir. Just another question sir, I will be talking to my boss again on Monday. If I can record our conversation and can I also use it as an evidence if I file a complaint? Once I receive my payslip with the lower salary I wanted to submit a resignation. Do I have to follow the one month notice if I state that the reason I'm leaving is the diminution on my benefits? Can I still file a complaint even if I already resigned in the company?

If you record your conversation without your boss's knowledge or consent, you cannot use it as evidence.

You might not need to follow the 1 month notice to resign if the reason is considered to be inhuman and unbearable treatment by the employer. You may need to prove or show it though.

What complaint would you file if you're already resigned? Your actions might not prosper anymore. At best if it does go on, the employer might just be compelled to pay you the balance of your 80K salary then let you go.

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