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Free Legal Advice Philippines

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Warrent for arrest

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1Warrent for arrest Empty Warrent for arrest Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:31 am


Arresto Menor

Hello I live in Australia and my wife is in the Philippines and she has a warrant for arrest out on her due to verbal argument she had with an old neighbor back in 2009 and was not aware of this till the other year when she applied for NBI clearance for the purpose of obtaining a passport our concern is she cant afford a lawyer to go to court to fight the case and if she enquires about it she will be found and jailed until the case can be heard thus putting our children at risk im asking how is the best way to approach this and can she get free legal representation kind regards Dean

2Warrent for arrest Empty Re: Warrent for arrest Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:49 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Hi Dean,

What she needs to do is to appear in the court where the case is pending. She should bring money, so she can immediately post bail. Then, she should attend court hearings to end the case against her. If private lawyer is not affordable at the moment, she can go to the Public Attorney's Office or to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines for free legal service. However, there are income requirements in order to avail of the free legal service.

3Warrent for arrest Empty Re: Warrent for arrest Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:02 am


Arresto Menor

thankyou for your advise how does she apply for legal help sorry everything is new to me there and my wife is beside herself and is struggling with things

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