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Training Bond

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1Training Bond Empty Training Bond Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:32 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day!

I would like to ask if i sign a contract that states that "you have to stay in the company for four years and pay 100,000 pesos if you failed to to do so" is legal even the company have paid nothing on my study.

The situation is that i wrote a letter to the General Manager stating that i will study MBA and i will render at least 8 Hours overtime per week without pay in exchange to my Saturday duty and the manager approved it. After a year of my study, the company made a contract that i will be staying in the company for 4 years after the graduation and pay 100,000 pesos if i failed to do so. If i will resign considering that i already done with my study and i signed the contract that states the subject aforementioned, am i liable or pay the amount even the company has no expenses during my study?

Thank you for considering my concern.

I hope that you can reply on this.

2Training Bond Empty Re: Training Bond Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:35 am


Reclusion Perpetua

technically yes you are liable but if your company does try to charge you, they will have to prove that they did spend that much on your training. be mindful of the fact that "training" can consist of even asking other employees technical questions or the like. indirect training can consist of tasks you were asked to do that couldve been done more efficiently by more experienced personnel. just trying to point out that "training" isnt merely cut and dry classroom seminars and such.

they will have the upperhand bec you did sign an agreement. but its not cut and dry that you will lose as well. you will be given a chance to refute their charges.

if you havent signed it yet, dont sign it. dont enter into a precarious position just bec you think you might be able to get out of it in the future

3Training Bond Empty Re: Training Bond Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:25 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Yuuji wrote:After a year of my study, the company made a contract that i will be staying in the company for 4 years after the graduation and pay 100,000 pesos if i failed to do so.

Ask for clarification why you should be held to work for another 4 years if there is no expense from the company related to your MBA course.

The statement "after the graduation" seems to imply that the company has some investment in your MBA course.

4Training Bond Empty Re: Training Bond Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:40 am


Arresto Menor

Yes, the company will hold me for 4 years after the graduation. The number of years to be counted will start the day after the graduation.

That's what i am asking if they can hold me and let me pay 100,000 even they have no expense in my study if i will sign the agreement and resign after finishing my course.

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