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Training Bond and NBI Clearance

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1Training Bond and NBI Clearance Empty Training Bond and NBI Clearance Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:08 pm


Arresto Menor

Good evening.

I underwent a two-month training at a food chain last 2014. Due to health reasons (I acquired CAP or Community Acquired Pneumonia, before that I lost my voice) and impossible management and working conditions I decided to leave the company.

I was fully aware of the training bond thing, how could I not when the management would use it to scare us whenever we talked about leaving? Anyway, I still left because my body and soul just couldn't handle it.

I don't have a copy of the contract so I don't know how to actually get out of this mess, my batch mates and I asked for a copy but we were never given one. I left last December 2014. I received and signed a letter saying that I should pay the 40k in ten days. I asked DOLE for help but nothing much happened save for my former employer and I agreed to meet and discuss payment options. During the meeting in DOLE, they accused me of other stuff designed to make me look awful (according to them I 'convinced' my colleagues to leave and that I 'bragged' and was 'overly confident' that if I leave my batch mates will, too). This hurt more than actually having to pay for the training bond after suffering from health issues brought upon their impossible 'standards.'

After our first meeting with their lawyer, I immediately knew that they'll really do anything to make things difficult for me. I only worked part time then and was only earning 2k at the most. I told them that I could only afford to pay 1k/month but I understood that it's impossible. The company's rep mentioned selling or pawning our house, which really hurt. I mean, how heartless could they get? If it weren't for the barangay health center, I swear i wouldn't have been able to afford the medicine the doctor prescribed for my CAP. I didn't earn much and I'm certain that I never even had an OT pay (I asked for a pay slip but was never given one) whilst working for them.

They'd occasionally call me for an update but I still had no better paying job so I told them that I still cannot afford to pay in their terms which was to pay everything in eight months. Then I never heard from them. Some of my batch mates stayed (they were afraid of the training bond) and I still meet with some of them. May of last year, I found out from them that one of the admin people said that they already filed a case against me. Until now I haven't received any notices, I still get nervous whenever I hear deliverymen in motorcycles knock on our door. I always bait my breath until I see who the sender and receiver of the letter is.

I kept on looking for a full time job because as much as I hate to pay, I'd like to pay my ex employer. Last week, I finally received a JO. I'll finally work full-time again! Very Happy

My concern now is this: since an NBI clearance is part of the pre-employment requirements, I'd like to know that if my former employer DID file a case against me, will it show on my clearance? I've been stressing over this for a long time now.

Thank you so much to those who will reply.

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