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married with 21 year older woman

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1married with 21 year older woman Empty married with 21 year older woman Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:35 am


Arresto Menor

anyone can give me adviced regarding to my married to 21 year older woman..  me and my wife are work together in one company before we got married.. we became close friend April,2007 May,2007 we are in relationship and June,2007 we got civil wedding. we are married for almost 8 years but im working abroad for 5 years.
when we got civil wedding she is going 48 years old and im  going to 27 years old. we both know that we can not make a baby because of her age and 2008 she have medical problem and need medical opration and she totally not capable to carry a baby..
now the time will come that i am looking for a child. but im not interest to adopt or any medical procedure.
i want to make a baby with other woman and built family with her
but my problem is i already married so i cant married another woman.. i search for the ground of annulment but i cant see any ground to file annulment to my wife. and the annulment will take 3-6 years to end the married..
im turning 36 this year  and my new girlfriend will turning 32 this year. if i will wait to end my married im worried to late for us to make a baby because we are going older

2married with 21 year older woman Empty Re: married with 21 year older woman Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:39 am


Arresto Menor

one more question... if ever my wife file concubination case again me.. and i will be jailed but it is bailable.. (by the way i decide to give to her all our propreties).. my question is.. what is effect of the concubination to me..

3married with 21 year older woman Empty Re: married with 21 year older woman Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:32 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

You can be convicted of concubinage if you are living together in one house with your new girlfriend. However, even though you are not living together and your wife has sufficient evidence about your extra-marital relationship, you may be sued for violation of RA 9262 for psychological violence (for marital infidelity). This is also a criminal case and the penalty is imprisonment and fine, or both.

Also, if your wife files an action for legal separation and you were proven to be the spouse who has a "fault" in the marriage (for example, marital infidelity), you will lose your share in your community property (with your wife). Since it seems that you are not interested about your properties, then the above should be your concern.


Atty. Katrina

4married with 21 year older woman Empty Re: married with 21 year older woman Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:03 pm


Arresto Menor

Katrina288 wrote:However, even though you are not living together and your wife has sufficient evidence about your extra-marital relationship, you may be sued for violation of RA 9262 for psychological violence (for marital infidelity). This is also a criminal case and the penalty is imprisonment and fine, or both.

you mean i will me jailed and also need to pay a fine? but i can post to bail? so i can out of the jail?? usually how much i will pay a fine and how much the bail?

5married with 21 year older woman Empty Re: married with 21 year older woman Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:06 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Yes, it is a bailable. The bail amount will be recommended by the Prosecutor.

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